Board Meetings

The Board meetings are held the 1st Wednesday of every month at the Clay Battelle PSD office located at 28 Sable Lane Core WV 26541.  The meetings dates are typically not changed unless because of weather or holidays.  The meeting start time will be posted on the bulletin board outside the office by Monday, the week of the meeting, or please call the office for the time.  If the agenda is not posted on this website- it is posted on the outside bulletin board no later than Monday prior to the Wednesday meeting.  Public comment period is limited to 10 minutes at the start of the meeting. Please call the office two weeks prior to the meeting if you would like to be placed on the agenda.  Thank you!  In bad weather- the starting time and or date could be adjusted.  If the weather is bad, please call the office for updated time, if you are planning to attend. 

                                                           The Scheduled Meeting Dates for 2025

January 8th, February 5th, March 5th, April 2nd, May 7th, June 4th, July 2nd, August 6th, September 3rd, October 1st, November 5th, December 3rd

The meetings are scheduled for 5:00 pm  - please call office up to 1 week prior to confirm starting time





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