Since the events on September 11, 2001, we live in a world that is now concerned about security and threats to the utilities you depend on every day. Clay Battelle PSD has adopted a "Zero-Tolerance Policy" for vandalism, theft, contamination, violence and/or threats of any kind to employees, the water system, meters, valves, tanks, pumps, vehicles & equipment and buildings. We never know the intent of those who would commit these acts. The results can be the same whether the acts are of a terrorist nature, disgruntled customers/other residents or pranks being played. Please be on notice that if you are one who chooses to vandalize, steal, threaten, contaminate or create the possiblity of contamination, you will be prosecuted to the fulelst extent of State and Federal Law. The vast majority of our customers are people who are concerened about safety and security and it is for those we have the "Zero-Tolerance Policy." If you see anyone committing questionable acts to public water facitilites; please report the incident to our office. Thank you very much!
Both Federal and State law prohibit tampering with public water systems; a crime which is punishable by imprisonment, fines or both.
It is the policy of Clay Battelle PSD to aggressively deter any person or entity from theft of water, damage or tampering of PSD water property (to include but not limited to meters, locks, lids, rings). If you know someone that is stealing water or damaging water company equipment- It IS costing you money by higher bills due to the water loss and replacement cost of materials.
Please read the attached document for further details.