Rates & Payment Policies

Water service rates are based on the cost of treating and delivering water to customers and are regulated and set  by the Public Service Commission of West Virginia (PSC).  To determine rates,  the costs  of any construction, maintenance, operation, adminstration and financing are projected.  Once the studies are complete, CBPSD, PSC staff and any other involved parties present their conclusions before the PSC.  The Commission considers the information presented and enters an order setting water rates as they see fit.  CBPSD is a non profit utility. 

Customers are billed based on a monthly meter reading. There is a monthly minimum charge whether or not water is used  and it is determined by the meter size. The minimum bill ensures that all customers pay a minimum amount for a predetermined number of gallons, regardless of their actual consumption.  This rate design guarantees that a utility covers some of its fixed costs of serving customers.  Some of the fixed cost is allocated to all customers so that everyone contributes the same amount, and that portion becomes the minimum charges.  The WVPSC requires these rates to be applied to all customers equally based on the customer's meter size.

There is no discount for filling pools, house washing, - etc.  There is a discount in the way the PSC set rates (in most blocks) in the "declining blocking" method- the more water used- the less per thousand gallons it cost. (CBPSD does not get a discount from its supplier for leaks, pools, etc.)

Payment Reminders  On the 21st day after the bill was mailed, late fee charges will be added to accounts with with unpaid balances on the most recent charges and a yellow final notice will be mailed.  If payment is not received by the latest pay date- penalities of 10 percent will apply.  Accounts are considered paid when the payment is received in the business office during operating hours, not postmarked date or when the bank or their party bill pay service time stamps as paid.  10 days later those accounts will be disconnected if payment wasn't received.  The yellow statement is the  disconnection notice.  On the 31st day (or soon after) from the date the original bill was mailed;  CBPSD will complete  disconnections for nonpayment.  Payments made must cover the full pastdue balance to prevent scheduled disconnection.  If paying to prevent a termination of services, please don't use a third party service because those payments may not reach the business office in time and your service could be disconnected- phone calls to the office that you did an electronic payment will not prevent disconnection.

Discontinuation  CBPSD or any agents or employees WILL NOT accept payments of any kind at the customer's door in lieu of discontinuing service for non payment or any other reason. This is in accordance with WV State Code 16-13A-9(b).

All other procedures for discontinuation will follow PSC Rule 6.8.1.c  which states the following:  When the water service is being terminated for non-payment of said bill, the two(2) attempts to notify by personal contact shall be made on two(2) separate business days at least twenty-four(24) prior to the scheduled termination unless it is reasonably established that the premises are not permanently inhabited.  The inability to actually personal contact will not prevent the water utility from terminating service. For purpose of this rule, personl contact includes both face-to-face and telephone calls.

Restoring Service Once a disconnected customer has paid the delinquency IN FULL, paid the reconnection fee and in some cases, paid the necessary security deposit per Rule 6.2 .  CBPSD will reconnect the customer's water service as soon as possible but no later than twenty-four (24) hours from the time the customer pays all fees.

Stopping Service To discontinue water service, you must notify CBPSD by completing a request for disconnection form; otherwise you will continue to get billed  (A terminating service form is available on this website)

Termination Request Form

Secuity Deposits  It is the West Virginia law that requires all public service districts to collect deposits and the public service districts shall not be bound to supply water service until this condition is fullfilled.  As such, CBPSD requires a deposit and will not turn on service until the amount is paid.  Please see FAQ under the resource tab for answers about security deposit refunds.

Standard Residential Service Rates (3/4" Meter)

Monthly Minimum:
Water Included w/ Minimum Bill: 0
All minimum chargers (per meter size) are subject
to an additional .80/thousand gallons water used
Tier (gal.): $/1,000 gal.:
per 1,000 gallon to 3,000 12.73
per 1,000 gallons next 3,000 12.95
per 1,000 gallons next 4,000 12.47
per 1,000 gallons next 1 0,000 11.98
per 1,000 all over 20,000 gallons 9.36

Meters are read monthly by a drive-by system that utilitizes a radio transceiver and a electromagnetic flow meter that has an operating range as low as .03 gpm- and are typically very accurate. Both are located inside the meter pit at your location and have tamper sensitive alarms. Please use caution if working near meter pit and don't disturb or tamper with the items in the meter pit; they are expensive and it is against the law to tamper with utility owned property.  Thank you.


Tap Fee $350.00
Reconnection & Adminstrative Fee $20.00
Return Check Charge $25.00
Damaged Materials/Parts Replacement Cost

Please click on link below to view current tariff for more details.

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